Friday, May 21, 2004

Abortion - It's Not A Duck

Abortion advocates intrigue me.

Abortion has to be called 'choice', even though the mother has already had her choices - to have sex & not to use birth control correctly.

The unborn human baby is a 'fetus' instead of a baby.

The unborn human baby is 'non-viable' rather than unborn.

The unborn human baby is 'unwanted' rather than 'soon-to-be-killed.'

The biggest abortion lie of all is: "It's not really human (yet.)"

So, what is it, a duck?

No, it's not a duck. The human baby (embryo, fetus, whatever you want to call him/her) is wholly human, all the way back to the time it was conceived. The baby was not conceived from some miscellaneous parts pile, mixed in a bowl and voila! - oh, look, I'm pregnant. You don't take human reproductive parts (egg and sperm) and create anything else than a human out of them.

From now on, in discussing abortion, I will use the following 'actually semantically correct' terms, rather than the common politically correct 'old terms.' I refuse to hide behind the 'old terms' that lead away from guilt and responsibility in the discussion of killing unborn human babies.

New, actually correct terms to use in talking about abortion (baby-killing):

Old Term ===================> New Term

Killing the human baby
Fetus ===>
Unborn human baby
Choice ====>
Deciding to kill the unborn human baby
Freedom of Choice ==>
Legally killing an unborn human baby
Reproductive Rights ==>
Legal right to kill an unborn baby without prosecution
Antiabortion Extremists ==>
People who don't want unborn human babies to be killed
Abortion Rights Activists ===>
People who want more people to kill their unborn babies
Guilt ===>
The responsibility for having willfully killed an unborn human baby

Oh, wait. We don't want to talk about guilt. It is non-politically-correct and insensitive. When we kill unborn human babies, we aren't guilty, we are instead supposedly exercising our reproductive rights.

Sorry, it's not a duck.

-- Mark